They are rightfully described as “TCP sockets on steroids.” In practice, you import the library into your code and use it to instantiate a connection that can employ various built-in message routing mechanisms, such as Pub/Sub, Push/Pull, Dealer/Router, etc. In this category, we have libraries such as ZeroMQ and the more recent nanoMsg. Brokerlessīrokerless means that participants are still connected directly but have the option of employing a different pattern than RPC. At that point, you have two main options: brokerless or brokered tools. And while the RPC paradigm works well for one-to-one communication, you will occasionally need to support one-to-many or many-to-many.

These services only do graceful degradation because for more sensitive use cases (e.g., a payment service asking an order service to start processing a paid order), other asynchronous mechanisms I’ll describe below are more common. For example, Netflix’s “watch next” section could display a random sample of shows if the recommendation service was unreachable.

If Service B went offline, Service A would not be able to communicate with B, and so A would need to implement an internal failure recovery procedure, which most of the time means doing graceful degradation. The simplest form is Service A and Service B doing direct remote procedure calls (RPC), by invoking Service B’s HTTP REST endpoint from Service A, for example. In this context, synchronous means that all parties need to be active at the same time to be able to communicate. Finally, I’ll leave you with a small take-away that will hopefully help you build better solutions faster. In this article, I will guide you through the defining characteristics of various communication patterns, and I’ll briefly introduce the most popular tools used to implement each. With the introduction of Streams in Redis, we now have another communication pattern to consider in addition to Redis Pub/Sub and other tools like Kafka and RabbitMQ. Let’s talk about communication tools and patterns.